List of NATO country codes
This is a list of heritage NATO country codes. Up to and including the seventh edition of STANAG 1059, these were two-letter codes (digrams). The eighth edition, promulgated 19 February 2004, and effective 1 April 2004, replaced all codes with new ones based on the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. Additional codes cover gaps in the ISO coverage, deal with imaginary countries used for exercise purposes, and designate large geographical groupings and water bodies (ranging from oceans to rivers). It consists of two-letter codes for geographical entities, four-letter codes for subdivisions, and lists the ISO three-letter codes for reference. The digrams match the FIPS 10-4 codes with a few exceptions.
The ninth edition's ratification draft was published on 6 July 2005, with a reply deadline of 6 October 2005. It replaces all two- and four-letter codes with ISO or ISO-like three- and six-letter codes. It is intended as a transitional standard: once all NATO nations have updated their information systems, a tenth edition will be published.
For diplomatic reasons, the country that is now known as North Macedonia was designated as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for a number of years and received a temporary code, FY/FYR, explicitly different from the ISO one, which was 3166 MKD. Since its name change following the 2018 Prespa agreement with Greece, the country is identified with the MK digram and the MKD trigram,[1] but on car license plates, they must be changed to NM or NMK.[2]
The Republic of Palau is also often indicated (at least in the United States) as PW.
Digram | Trigram | Entity | Comment |
AA | ABW | Aruba | |
AB | ABB | Asia | 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1 |
AC | ATG | Antigua and Barbuda | |
AF | AFG | Afghanistan | |
AG | DZA | Algeria | |
AJ | AZE | Azerbaijan | |
SS | SSD | South Sudan[3] | |
AL | ALB | Albania | |
AM | ARM | Armenia | |
AN | AND | Andorra | |
AO | AGO | Angola | |
AR | ARG | Argentina | |
AS | AUS | Australia | |
AT | ACI | Ashmore and Cartier Islands | Appears with 9th ed.; the entity is omitted from 8th ed., not in ISO 3166-1 |
AU | AUT | Austria | |
AV | AIA | Anguilla | |
AY | ATA | Antarctica | |
BA | BHR | Bahrain | |
BB | BRB | Barbados | |
BC | BWA | Botswana | |
BM | BMU | Bermuda | |
BE | BEL | Belgium | |
BF | BHS | The Bahamas | |
BD | BGD | Bangladesh | |
BH | BLZ | Belize | |
BK | BIH | Bosnia-Herzegovina | |
BL | BOL | Bolivia | |
MM | MMR | Myanmar | |
BN | BEN | Benin | |
BO | BLR | Belarus | |
BP | SLB | Solomon Islands | |
BR | BRA | Brazil | |
BT | BTN | Bhutan | |
BG | BGR | Bulgaria | |
BV | BVT | Bouvet Island | |
BX | BRN | Brunei | |
BY | BDI | Burundi | |
CA | CAN | Canada | |
CB | KHM | Cambodia | |
CD | TCD | Chad | |
CE | LKA | Sri Lanka | |
CF | COG | Republic of the Congo | |
CD | COD | Democratic Republic of the Congo | |
CH | CHN | People's Republic of China | |
CI | CHL | Chile | |
CJ | CYM | Cayman Islands | |
CK | CCK | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | |
CM | CMR | Cameroon | |
CN | COM | Comoros | |
CO | COL | Colombia | |
CQ | MNP | Northern Mariana Islands | Also listed under the subdivision code US-MP- |
CR | CSI | Coral Sea Islands | Appears with 9th ed.; the entity is omitted from 8th ed., not in ISO 3166-1 |
CS | CRI | Costa Rica | |
CT | CAF | Central African Republic | |
CU | CUB | Cuba | |
CV | CPV | Cape Verde | |
CW | COK | Cook Islands | |
CY | CYP | Cyprus | |
CZ | CZE | Czech Republic | |
DA | DNK | Denmark | |
DJ | DJI | Djibouti | |
DO | DMA | Dominica | |
DR | DOM | Dominican Republic | |
EC | ECU | Ecuador | |
EE | EEE | Europe | 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1 |
EG | EGY | Egypt | |
EI | IRL | Ireland | |
EK | GNQ | Equatorial Guinea | |
EN | EST | Estonia | |
ER | ERI | Eritrea | |
ES | ESP | Spain | |
ET | ETH | Ethiopia | |
FF | FFF | Africa | 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1 |
FG | GUF | French Guiana | 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-973 |
FI | FIN | Finland | |
FJ | FJI | Fiji | |
FK | FLK | Falkland Islands | |
FM | FSM | Federated States of Micronesia | |
FO | FRO | Faroe Islands | |
FP | PYF | French Polynesia | 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-PYF |
FR | FRA | France | |
FS | ATF | French Southern Territories | 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-FST |
GM | GMB | The Gambia | 8th ed. STANAG 1049 revised from GA (now: Gabon) |
GA | GAB | Gabon | 8th ed. STANAG 1049 revised from GB (now: United Kingdom) |
GC | n/a | East Germany | Obsolete 1990 |
DE | DEU | Germany | |
GG | GEO | Georgia | |
GH | GHA | Ghana | |
GI | GIB | Gibraltar | |
GJ | GRD | Grenada | |
GL | GRL | Greenland | |
GP | GLP | Guadeloupe | 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-971 |
GQ | GUM | Guam | Also listed under the subdivision code US-GU- |
GR | GRC | Greece | |
GT | GTM | Guatemala | |
GV | GIN | Guinea | |
GY | GUY | Guyana | |
HA | HTI | Haiti | |
HK | HKG | Hong Kong | Also listed under the provincial code CN-91- |
HM | HMD | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | |
HO | HND | Honduras | |
HQ | HQI | Howland Island | Appears with 9th ed.; also listed under IQ, not in ISO 3166-1 |
HR | HRV | Croatia | |
HU | HUN | Hungary | |
IC | ISL | Iceland | |
ID | IDN | Indonesia | |
IN | IND | India | |
IO | IOT | British Indian Ocean Territory | |
IQ | UMI | U.S. Minor Outlying Islands | Baker, Howland, Jarvis, Johnston, Kingman Reef, Midway, Navassa, Palmyra, and Wake Islands Also listed under the subdivision code US-UM- |
IR | IRN | Iran | |
IS | ISR | Israel | |
IT | ITA | Italy | |
IV | CIV | Côte d'Ivoire | |
IZ | IRQ | Iraq | |
JA | JPN | Japan | |
JM | JAM | Jamaica | |
JN | JNM | Jan Mayen Island | Appears with 9th ed.; also listed under SV/SJM; Also listed under the subdivision code NO-22- |
JO | JOR | Jordan | |
JQ | JQA | Johnston Atoll | Appears with 9th ed.; also listed under IQ, not in ISO 3166-1 |
KE | KEN | Kenya | |
KG | KGZ | Kyrgyzstan | |
KN | PRK | Democratic People's Republic of Korea | |
KR | KIR | Kiribati | |
KS | KOR | Republic of Korea | |
KT | CXR | Christmas Island | |
KU | KWT | Kuwait | |
KZ | KAZ | Kazakhstan | |
LA | LAO | Laos | |
LE | LBN | Lebanon | |
LG | LVA | Latvia | |
LH | LTU | Lithuania | |
LI | LBR | Liberia | |
LO | SVK | Slovakia | |
LS | LIE | Liechtenstein | |
LT | LSO | Lesotho | |
LU | LUX | Luxembourg | |
LY | LBY | Libya | |
MA | MDG | Madagascar | |
MB | MTQ | Martinique | 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-972 |
MC | MAC | Macau | |
MD | MDA | Republic of Moldova | |
ME | MNE | Montenegro | Since 8th ed. |
MG | MNG | Mongolia | |
MH | MSR | Montserrat | |
MI | MWI | Malawi | |
MK | MKD | North Macedonia | While the country had the provisional name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the digram was FY and the trigram, FYR. |
ML | MLI | Mali | MLI in ISO 3166-1 |
MN | MCO | Monaco | |
MO | MAR | Morocco | |
MP | MUS | Mauritius | |
MR | MRT | Mauritania | |
MT | MLT | Malta | |
MU | OMN | Oman | |
MV | MDV | The Maldives | |
MX | MEX | Mexico | |
MY | MYS | Malaysia | |
MZ | MOZ | Mozambique | |
NA | ANT | Netherlands Antilles | removed from ISO 3166-1 |
NC | NCL | New Caledonia | 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-NCL |
NU | NIU | Niue | |
NF | NFK | Norfolk Island | |
NE | NER | Niger | |
NH | VUT | Vanuatu | |
NG | NGA | Nigeria | |
NL | NLD | Netherlands | |
NN | NNN | North America | 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1 |
NO | NOR | Norway | |
NP | NPL | Nepal | |
NR | NRU | Nauru | |
NS | SUR | Suriname | |
NT | NTT | NATO countries | 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1 |
NU | NIC | Nicaragua | |
NZ | NZL | New Zealand | |
PA | PRY | Paraguay | |
PN | PCN | Pitcairn Islands | |
PE | PER | Peru | |
PF | PFI | Paracel Islands | Appears with 9th ed.; the entity is omitted from 8th ed., not in ISO 3166-1 |
PK | PAK | Pakistan | |
PL | POL | Poland | |
PM | PAN | Panama | |
PT | PRT | Portugal | |
PP | PNG | Papua New Guinea | |
PS | PLW | Palau | In 9th ed., the digram is also assigned to Palestine |
PS | PSE | Palestinian Territory | Temporary code; 8th ed. has no digram for Palestine 9th ed. also assigns PS to Palau |
PU | GNB | Guinea-Bissau | |
QA | QAT | Qatar | |
RE | REU | Réunion | 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-974 |
RM | MHL | Marshall Islands | 8th ed. omits the trigram (mistakenly?) |
RO | ROU | Romania | |
RP | PHL | Philippines | |
RQ | PRI | Puerto Rico | Also listed under the subdivision code US-PR- |
RS | SRB | Serbia | 8th ed. |
RU | RUS | Russia | Original code RS is not to be used 8th ed. Now assigned to Serbia. |
RW | RWA | Rwanda | |
SA | SAU | Saudi Arabia | |
SB | SPM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-975 and assigns SB to "Serbia and Montenegro" |
SC | KNA | Saint Kitts and Nevis | |
SE | SYC | Seychelles | |
SF | ZAF | South Africa | |
SG | SEN | Senegal | |
SH | SHN | Saint Helena | |
SI | SVN | Slovenia | |
SJ | SJM | Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands | Also listed under the subdivision code NO-21- |
SL | SLE | Sierra Leone | |
SM | SMR | San Marino | |
SN | SGP | Singapore | |
SO | SOM | Somalia | |
SR | SRR | South America | 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1 |
SS | ASM | American Samoa | Also listed under the subdivision code US-AS- |
SS | WSM | Samoa | Some sources (other than the STANAGs themselves) claim the digram was WS |
ST | LCA | Saint Lucia | |
SU | SDN | Sudan | |
SV | SLV | El Salvador | |
SW | SWE | Sweden | |
SX | SGS | South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands | |
SY | SYR | Syria | |
SZ | CHE | Switzerland | |
TC | ARE | United Arab Emirates | |
TD | TTO | Trinidad and Tobago | |
TH | THA | Thailand | |
TI | TJK | Tajikistan | |
TK | TCA | Turks and Caicos Islands | |
TK | TKL | Tokelau | |
TL | TLS | Timor-Leste | |
TN | TON | Tonga | |
TO | TGO | Togo | |
TP | STP | São Tomé and Príncipe | |
TS | TUN | Tunisia | |
TU | TUR | Turkey | |
TV | TUV | Tuvalu | |
TW | TWN | Republic of China (Taiwan) | Also listed under the provincial code CN-71- |
TX | TKM | Turkmenistan | |
TZ | TZA | Tanzania | |
UG | UGA | Uganda | |
GB | GBR | United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | 8th ed. STANAG 1059 removed UK |
UA | UKR | Ukraine | |
UR | n/a | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics | Obsolete 1992 |
US | USA | United States | |
UU | UUU | Oceania | 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1 |
UV | BFA | Burkina Faso | |
UY | URY | Uruguay | |
UZ | UZB | Uzbekistan | |
VC | VCT | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | |
VE | VEN | Venezuela | |
VI | VIR | U.S. Virgin Islands | 8th ed. lists "VI or VS"; Also listed under the subdivision code US-VI- |
VN | VNM | Vietnam | |
VS | VGB | British Virgin Islands | 8th ed. lists "VI or VS" |
VT | VAT | Vatican City (Holy See) | |
WA | NAM | Namibia | |
WF | WLF | Wallis and Futuna Islands | 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-WLF |
WI | ESH | Western Sahara | |
WZ | SWZ | Swaziland | |
XB | XXB | "Brownland" | 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1 |
XE | XXE | SHAPE (ACO Command) | 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1 |
XG | XXG | "Greyland" | 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1 |
XI | XXI | "Indigoland" | 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1 |
XL | XXL | "Limeland" | 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1 |
XM | XXM | NATO | [4] private use in ISO 3166-1 |
XN | XXN | NATO "Blue" Command | 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1 |
XP | XXP | "Purpleland" | 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1 |
XR | XXR | "Redland" | 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1 |
XS | XXS | SACLANT (HQ SACT Command) | 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1 |
XW | XXW | "Whiteland" | 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1 |
XY | XXY | "Yellowland" | 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1 |
YE | YEM | Yemen | |
YO | n/a | Yugoslavia | Obsolete 1993 |
YT | - | Mayotte | Former NATO code ME is not to be used since 8th ed.; 8th ed. omits the trigram (mistakenly?); 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-976 |
— | SCG | Serbia and Montenegro | 9th ed. lists SB for the digram, which 8th ed. assigns to Saint Pierre and Miquelon, removed from ISO 3166-1 |
YU | YUG | Yugoslavia (Federal Republic of) | |
ZA | ZMB | Zambia | |
ZI | ZWE | Zimbabwe |
[edit]- NATO STANAG 1059 INT (Ed. 7, 2000) Distinguishing Letters for Geographical Entities for Use in NATO
- NATO STANAG 1059 INT (Ed. 8, 2003) Letter Codes for Geographical Entities
- NATO STANAG 1059 INT (Ed. 9 Ratification Draft, 2005) Codes for Geographical Entities
- ISO Online Browsing Platform
See also
[edit]- ^ "European Commission > North Macedonia". European Commission. Retrieved 30 November 2020.
- ^ ""North Macedonia" Vote Not All About Country Name". Polgeonow. Retrieved 30 November 2020.
- ^ "ISO country code for South Sudan". ISO. Retrieved 21 March 2018.
- ^ NATO Standardization Agency (NSA), Report of the Technical Panel to the Asset Tracking Interservice Working Group (ASTWG), 12 July 2007
- ^ "Limits of Oceans and Seas, 3rd edition" (PDF). International Hydrographic Organization. 1953. Archived from the original (PDF) on 8 October 2011. Retrieved 29 December 2020.
External links
[edit]- History of NATO – the Atlantic Alliance – UK Government site
- UK MOD Ontology Demonstrator – integrates NATO STANAG 1059 codes with ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 codes
- NATO Allied Committee 135 – The Group of National Directors on Codification, NATO Codification System (NCS) Country Codes List
- ISO Online Browsing Platform (OBP), [1]